
cold callers are they stupid? or just pathetic losers who dont want a real job?

cold callers are they stupid? or just pathetic losers who dont want a real job? Its saturday morning i'm slouching about waiting for my sister to call, the door knocks and i run foward to let her in.Oh but no!its not somebody i'm comfertable with.Some clipboard hugging smily bint.I told her straight off "Sorry i thought you were somebody i was expecting or else i wouldnt have opened the door so quickly" 30 seconds later shes accusing me off being aggresive even though she called to my door and didnt take the hint that i was expecting somebody.She was trying to sell dental insurance.I have dental insurance already from my house insurance company, if i want any insurance i go out myself and shop for it i dont expect some ****** to come to my door and accuse me of threatening behaviour before running off because she lost a sale.So cold callers what is it with them?are they idiots or what.
Cold callers are annoying.But implying that they don't have "a real job" is annoying too.They're usually ordinary people trying to earn a living.I'm sure cold calling wasn't their first choice....By the way, the callers themselves don't create the company policies, so personally attacking them is an easy cop-out.I worked in retail, on tills, for years, and I had to deal with snobs telling me to "get a real job".It's quite funny, because when it comes down to it, these people usually mean "Get a job where you sit at a desk, filing stuff, shredding some paper and answering the phone." These are usually the types who ended up in soul-destroying, dull jobs themselves, and take their bitterness out on those they see as "beneath" them (due to the lack of a poxy desk).Get a grip on your ego, and chill out.P.S.I never said you attacked her to her face.But you've personally insulted her on here.Not much better.And about "false rape" accusations, please get over your victim complex.The only thing I've accused you of is what you clearly are: a snob who thinks people who work as cold callers are lesser people, and who makes nasty personal comments about them instead of questioning the companies involved.

News: Samuel Kohan, PhD, Psychoanalyst Video

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