
REP. GABRIELLE GIFFORDS SHOOTING CASE: She now knows who died in shooting!

REP. GABRIELLE GIFFORDS SHOOTING CASE: She now knows who died in shooting!

AP Photo/P.K.Weis. - Rep.Gabrielle Giffords is now aware of who was killed during the January shooting rampage in Tucson that left her seriously wounded, her spokesman said.
C.J.Karamargin confirmed Friday that the Democratic politician was told in late July the names of the dead, including her aide Gabe Zimmerman; U.S.District Judge John Roll, a close friend; and 9-year-old Christina-Taylor Green, the Arizona Republic reported.

Giffords has been recovering from a gunshot wound to the brain from the Jan.8 shooting that killed six people and wounded her and 12 others.The man charged in the rampage, Jared Lee Loughner, was sent to a federal prison facility in Springfield, Mo., after a federal judge concluded he was mentally incompetent to stand trial on 49 charges.
Her loved ones had been keeping the extent of the tragedy from her until she was strong enough to handle it.Husband Mark Kelly said in June that Giffords knew how many people were killed or wounded but wasn't aware that Zimmerman and Roll were among them.

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