Yesterday Sarge and I transported our daughter to college to begin her junior year.She doesn’t travel lightprobably few doand she has been coordinating who brings what with her roommates for most of the summer.She’s in a bigger room, a «suite» as opposed to a «quad» which means a total of six young women sharing a bathroom and common room.That sounds like asking for trouble but the so-called housing experts apparently don’tВ share my a*sessment.
There are three little refrigerators there, which I’m confident will be used for healthy snacks like fresh fruit and vegetables.I wonder how they decide whose turn it is to clean the bathroom and more importantly, do any of them even know how to clean a bathroom?I think not, at least from what I know of my daughter.
Yesterday was tiring.I was trying to help move belongings intoВ the dorm and got lost, ending upВ in the wrong building.I got lost again in the right building because I was looking for room 201 instead of 211.Room 201 was a utility closet so I didn’t know what to do.I found my way to «The Cage» (the front desk) and checked for the right room number, being careful not to drop the hanging jewelry holder with 40 pockets on each side (14.99 at TJ Maxx) or the DVD player.I wasn’t much help but all the roomies pitched in so everything was in and ready for organizing in a flash.
Sexual Tension session on Tuesday, 8/30 in the lounge.When I got home, I googled «sexual tension» as I couldn’t remember what that might mean.Wikipedia clarified it as just old-fashionedВ flirting with someone you find attractive.«Sexual tension» sounds so much more evil and fast-moving.Girls and boys, if you’re reading this now, remember why you are in college.You are there to learn, not to flirt, hook up, get jiggy,do the hankyВ panky, engage in schtuppingВ or whoo-hooing.If you feel some sexual tension rising up in your body, put your sneaks on and run around the campus for an hour.Read a book.No.sexual.tension.
Have a great year, Emily!
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