
A Glimpse of what the future holds?

A Glimpse of what the future holds?

Right up front, apologies to my ChristianВ friends who get upset when I check in withВ  astrology.I know that offends some of them, and I am sorry.While I believe in God, I also like to check other sources which may provide guidance for where my path should lead next.

For so many of us, the hopefulness that came with entering a new century was quickly dashed on 9/11.It seems things have just gone so much furtherВ down hill thanВ  expected.The wh*le world is dissolving and morphing, painfully into something new.While I could drown in all the self-pityВ that comes from such a place, I have friends and family who refuse to let me live there.Once their butt kicking sinks in, I close down the pity party, dust myself off and get back to work.

Every once in a while I will check my horoscope, just to see if there are words of encouragement floating around in the universe and headed my way.My sign is Virgo, and though people who know me would probably guess my sign as Scorpio, I was born in September, so Virgo I am.There is nothing about me that is reserved or introverted, I am all out there and extroverted to an extreme.Some say too much, and for that, I am not going to apologize.I am older now and I have learned that it truly is impossible to please all of the people all of the time.

Anyway, back to my horoscope.The past 10 years have had some really good times, A cruise to Alaska, trips to see family in Florida, and great trip with my family and my friend Lynne’s family to New York City.They have also held hard times, which I won’t talk about again, you have heard enough of that.I was just feeling hopeful this morning, and wheneverВ I get hopeful, being Italian, I always wonder if that is a good thing or not.So I checked my horoscope.

I like Jonathan Cainer’s forecasts.They seem less cookie cutter than some, and many times they hit the nail on the head for me.Here is what he had to say about the decade ahead for Virgo:

Virgo, The Next Decade
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