
Helping upper-trapezius pain

Helping upper-trapezius pain Does your upper back ever feel tight, as though you have «knots» in it?You may have an upper-trapezius strain, a common repetitive stress injury (RSI).RSIs are often a*sociated with performing recurring motions, whether on a computer, on the telephone or in a sports activity. Your shoulders ache, your neck hurts and you may have a headache.

What can you do about an upper-trapezius strain?Catherine Logan, MSPT, a physical therapist, certified personal trainer explains:
Causes Of Injury
The trapezius is a pair of large triangular muscles extending over the back of the neck and shoulders and moving the head and shoulder blade.Upper-trapezius pain can be triggered by consistently overusing the muscle group, even at a low intensity.Performing simple, everyday movementssuch as habitually holding a telephone between the ear and shoulder, carrying weight on one shoulder and more can trigger upper trapezius pain. Stress can also tighten the traps and cause strain.

When The Trapezius Isn’t Working Well
If you aren’t holding them in the proper position, the muscles can lengthen or shorten and cause problems; i.e when the shoulder is elevated and the neck is extended, side-bent and rotated, as when you are cradling a phone between your ear and shoulder. This can also happen if you are facing a computer screen that is too high, too low or at an angle to your seated position at work or with unsupported elbows.

Moving out of these positions from time to time throughout the workday will increase blood flow and oxygen delivery to the muscles.Developing better posture will help maintain the optimal length of the muscles.For helpful exercises, see my next blog coming up soon.Let's connect at me know how your training is going.

Catherine D'Aoust at GAIA Adventures

Boot Camp Cla*s for nice and friendly people, ongoing on Thursday night 6:00pm at Charleson Park, False Creek, 4 cla*ses left, only $30 for 2 cla*ses, open to men and women. Call 604 329.1257.
Hike the Chief for women: challenging hike, on Saturday Sept 10: visit to register.

K and the days of summer

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