
Why do I feel like I'm at a constant disadvantage in life, and suffer from chronic anxiety?

Why do I feel like I'm at a constant disadvantage in life, and suffer from chronic anxiety?
Why do I feel like I'm at a constant disadvantage in life, and suffer from chronic anxiety?I had a messed up childhood, and I think I have PTSD, but I'm not sure.I can only manage to be serene and content for around three months, and then I'm plunged into another three month bout of anxiety, depression, restlessness and lack of focus.

Answer by Sanda
You should see a therapist.It sounds like you have some problems you're not able to resolve on your own and there's no shame in asking for help.

Therapy is the best way of getting in touch with your own problems and finding a way to improve the quality of your life.If you think you have PTSD you should get tested.A psychologist would probably be able to give you an interpretation of your condition and therapy could help you get better.

I hope you'll get better!Good luck!

Answer by nannette amores
know that there is hope.Know that your in conrtol and have the power to change things around you got it you just got to face them.I would suffer many panic attacks caused by anxiety and trust me they are painfull to the soul but My humor never died out I kept going and overcome them by faceing them and dealing with it.The more you let it control you the harder it is to get rid of them.Some times I would feel my heart raising A sign of panic but I right away focus my breathing and think about being in control it's my body and it's not going tp act like that I put it in order and think very positive.Medication is not the answer they just make things worst.the best way to fight them off is if you eat right ,a good night rest,some good b-12 or b-12 injections that your doctor can give you every two weeks this helps alot because it calms the nervouse system and it's nourishing it helps you focus when you dont supply the right nourishment for your body anxiety and panic will do it's job and wear you out where you wont be able to fight it off you will loose strength.
pray and pary allot it really helps god does not want you to be tormented by it and if you read about this type of disorders mostly alot of people suffer this in one form or another and allot don't even realize what it is that their experiencing.If you went through allot when you were a child things like this can affect us because that's how mine all begain but take you'r experiences go back and face every single one of them do self inventory and for give any body or any thing that was so wrong, hurtfull ,negative even traumatizing because forgiveness is part of healing and recouporating so go back and fix those areas and if your having problems pray to god to give you guidance and to help you throught this and he will.You need peace and untill you face those areas you'll start feeling good about your self and you think more positive you would know how to handle the next panic, anxiety where there won't be room for depression.It will be very challenging but it's going to pay big.Know that healing is a process to recovery and you will get there without the shadow of doubt.only you can figure that out.
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