
On the balding man

On the balding man

In a recent opinion poll revealed that, after the fear of impotence, the second most vital problem of male pattern baldness is called ....In this case, more concerned about the prospect of saving on shampoo and comb lonely (no matter their age!) And young representatives of half of mankind.The biggest tragedy in this case the men feel the loss of ability to attract women and the transformation of an object of ridicule from friends, acquaintances and colleagues.At least one of the 10 men interviewed said that every morning with horror considering the pillow and feel (!) The number of hairs collected from it.About a third of young people aged 18 to 24 said they just panic at the sight of the first signs of hair loss.However, more mature men - from 25 to 34 years - believe that on the contrary, a complete alopecia only improve their sex life, because in recent years, the fair sex have been increasingly reckon bald men in the category of sexual supermen.In this case, the question of whether what is worse - baldness or impotence - the vast majority of men surveyed said something like: "Who needs a hair, if you already did not want to!

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