

BEWARE OF GREEKS BEARING GIFTS, TROJAN HORSES, AND COLLATERALS! treatment from Austria, the Netherlands, and Slovakia.The Fourth Reich bailout
of the Cradle of Kleptocracy cannot succeed, because the October-18 Mafia
continues corruption, Kangaroo Justice, marilizardism, Marilizard Libel,
Marilizard Spaghetti, and Marilizard Towers.

October-18 Mafia is the most disgusting predator of internet on Earth!Civil
society was shocked by the brutality and stupidity of October-18 fiasco,
initiated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the government of Greece.That's
why October-18 Mafia is the new name of the government of Greece!October-18 Mafia faces a deeper than expected recession, even depression.
Moody's warns that by trying to secure collateral, October-18 Mafia's eurozone
peers risked delaying Greece's next bailout payment and driving it into default.
Fuehrer Merkozy knows that only stupid investors would squander their money in a
country addicted to kleptocracy, socialism, charge stacking, and marilizardism.

Moody's expects other eurozone countries to block the agreement with Finland,
and Dutch Finance Minister Jan Kees de Jager declares the bilateral deal is
illegal.There is no way any prudent investor will throw a euro in the Cradle of
Kleptocracy, which is infested with marilizardism, the October-18 Mafia, charge
stacking, and the cancer of socialism.

October-18 Mafia, which clinched a new rescue package at a eurozone leaders
summit in July covering its borrowing needs up to mid-2014, will receive the
next eight billion euro bailout in September.The bailout for the Cradle of
Kleptocracy is taxpayers' hard-earned money blown out with the wind, because the
October-18 Mafia continues corruption, squander, marilizardism, incivility,
stupidity, charge stacking, and junketing.small by itself, a*sumes much greater significance.The pursuit of such
agreements could delay the next bailout for Greece and so precipitate a payment

October-18 Mafia says September's borrowing requirements will be covered either
way, it has been so decided, and any collateral deal that did emerge should not
create uncertainty for markets.fixed needs to redeem bonds and plug fiscal h*les.One thing leads to another
and then you can end up with difficulties in implementing the bailout deal. It
was stupid to have this agreement with Finland.

October-18 Mafia, whose debt market activity is restricted to monthly short-term
debt auctions, needs to roll over four billion euros of three-month and
six-month T-bills next month.Marilizardism has created a liquidity black h*le
for all Greek investments.

Don't be fooled by any bounce of the marilizardist dead cat. Moody's muses that
seeking collateral shows a lack of will in some eurozone countries and put more
pressure on Merkozy to take stronger steps to support the euro project.

Governments of many repressed countries, such as Greece, use marilizardist tools
to manipulate netizens.Marilizard Libel is accusing dissident bloggers of
treason, Marilizard Spaghetti is hurling charges against innocent people,
Marilizard Tower is a stack of imaginary charges to scare a blogger, and
marilizardism is terrorizing dissident bloggers.October 18 is the
international day against marilizardism, and October-18 Mafia is the
marilizardist government of Greece.bailout costs are not going well.Never catch a falling marilizardist knife.
Banks cannot participate voluntarily in illegal acts, such as fiduciary
imprudency.Bank directors are committed to bank's welfare, and not the public

If bankers waive outstanding debts at the expense of the bank, this is a breach
of trust and punishable by law.All those bankers, that IIF claims plan to
participate in rollovers, might go to jail for violating the fiduciary duty of
prudency!October-18 Mafia pressures the banks to participate, but it really
opens a Pandora's box.

Marilizardists use charge stacking, which is the ability to charge a large
number of overlapping crimes for a single course of conduct, building a
Marilizard Tower of charges.This is the most disgusting tool used by the
freakish October-18 mafia to jail innocent dissident bloggers.Combining crimes
enables prosecutors to get convictions in cases where there may be no misconduct
at all.By stacking enough charges, freakish marilizardists try to jack up the
threat value of a trial and thereby induce a guilty plea, even if the
government's case is weak.

October-18 Mafia has robbed my computer and files at gunpoint!Accusing
dissident bloggers of treason, Graecokleptocrats have manufactured a blood libel
in cyberspace, which in turn incites hatred and violence.The freakish
October-18 Mafia, is the only government on Earth which robs the computers of
its citizens!Infamous CCU is the brutal arm of October-18 mafia which
terrorizes the cyberspace, robbing computers and files at gunpoint, perjuring,
jailing dissident bloggers, and gagging the truth.CCU of Graecokleptocracy is
the most disgusting gang in Fourth Reich.Greek people.October-18 Mafia hoodwinks it will go straight, but nobody
believes it anymore!October-18 Mafia did not keep its promise to abolish
sinecures, government ownership, kleptocracy, Kangaroo Justice, marilizardism,
Marilizard Libel, Marilizard Spaghetti, and Marilizard Towers.

Christine Lagarde of IMF has made it absolutely clear she does not trust
Graecokleptocrats, because they never apply what they vote in the Grand Brothel
on Syntagma Square!That's why she sends her inspectors to Athens to see things
are done as promised and voted.Marilizardism is the death cross of Greek
treasury bonds.
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