
Terrifying face, or one and only

Terrifying face, or one and only

Vicky Lucas was accustomed to the fact that it constantly pay attention and released all sorts of taunts because of her face.However, she firmly decided to abandon the plastic surgery.21-year-old student suffered cherubizmom, a rare genetic defect, which disproportionately increases the size of the chin, and eyes heavily bulging from their sockets.Its rejection of the cosmetic surgery she argues that prefers to have ekstraneordinarnuyu appearance.At birth, she looked like a very normal child.Genetic anomaly manifested itself in a few years."The first symptoms of the disease found my mother when I was four years old.She brushed my teeth and noticed that they grow like something is wrong - randomly in different directions" - says Vicki about his illness - "In my childhood I was very active girl loved to preen themselves, but at the age of 12-13 years old, I began to increasingly withdraw into themselves." "People are always humiliated me, when you go to school, you want to interact with other children, you absolutely do not want something different from them, and all the forces you are trying to overcome this barrier." "The last wish, that you want - the desire to stand out among other people, I'm so used to foreign views that take this quietly.Of course, there was a period in my life when I wanted to do cosmetic surgery, but time cured that desire" ."Sometimes it seems to me that I am the most attractive girl in town, but after a sarcastic look, I understand that this is not true." "Eventually, I realized that my face is not anything terrible, and there's nothing wrong with what it is." "This person gave me a god, and I'm not going to change it." "It's wonderful to look ekstraneordinarno, because in a world few people like me." There are psychological program called "Facing the World," which investigates the relationship of people to their own and other people's parties.Wicca is one of the participating programs.
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