
Jun 19, Avoiding Alzheimers Nation

Jun 19, Avoiding Alzheimers Nation My goal today is to suggest ways you can avoid -- and help your parents avoid -- Alzheimer's dementia.You may not want to think about it, but doing a little thinking about it now is better than being forced to experience it later.
My knowledge of Alzheimer's Disease is mostly from observing my mother descend into it over a period of 10-15 years.
In her case, my personal belief is that her condition was the result of declining intake of antioxidants from fresh fruit and vegetables, increased reliance on pharmaceutical drugs to control symptoms of tension, and decreased blood circulation to her brain due to meat and dairy foods that brought this terrible condition on.
I am telling you this because I want you to avoid the pain of going through the same experience.I believe it is, for the most part, avoidable IF you and your aging parents take action to clean up their diet now, before the disease takes over their lives.
Nobody want to think about the unpleasant end stages of life.I don't and I'm sure you don' Persuading your parents to eat raw or lightly cooked vegetables and fruit is challenging unless they see the benefit themselves.I will admit I didn't have much luck with my mother, but I tried.
When I look at the way most of my fellow Americans eat, I can foresee a lot more Alzheimer's and other neurodegenerative diseases in the future.Look, even Ronald Reagan died from this sickness!
For those of you who do want to live a long, full, and healthy life -- Now is the time to give your body what it needs for health.Now is the time to de-toxify and stop eating the junk foods that contribute to ill health later.
It's a hard message for most people to accept.I urge you to create the health future you desire by the choices you make today.Improve your chances of avoiding Alzheimer's and many other of our nation's lifestyle diseases.alkaline diet raw food recipes fiber rich foods
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