
Have You Completed Your Summer Bucket List?

Have You Completed Your Summer Bucket List?

This is a cautionary tale.

I had a wh*le great list of things I wanted to do this summer.Ambitious, leave-the-house kind of things.The things that grown ups do; planned activities.But you know how summer is; it can be so lazy.WhichВ canВ beВ good nothing wrong with lounging on the back deck and sleeping in from time to time right?I just figured that I had the wh*le summer ahead of me, so I’d do all of this stuff later.

Well later, I broke my ankle.Being stuck in a cast at eight-plus-months pregnant pretty much brings all normal activities to a screaching halt.Especially all of the ones that involve leaving the house.

So, I ask you have you done all the cool stuff you wanted to this summer?There’s still another month or so to go here, and if you’re in my part of the world (or anywhere north of my part of the world) you’re going to want to get out there and soak up the sunshine right this instant, so you have plenty on reserve for those cold, dark winter days that lay ahead.

In my playbook, these are some of the things you just have to get out there and do while the sun shines -

В - Spend a day at the beach (or a water park if you don’t live near a beach).

В - Go on a picnic at the park a proper one, where you take a wh*le lunch spread, maybe grill something.And bring some neat thing to do, like bags, horsehoes, badminton whatever easily portable physical activity youВ happen to enjoy.

- Spend at least one weekend camping, preferably in a tent.A hike through nature, campfire at night, s’mores the wh*le nine yards.В Cell phones should be turned off, and you shouldn’t have any other electronic entertainment/distractionsВ with you at all.

- Go to a you-pick farm and harvest something whatever you like best -В strawberries, blueberries, apples, anything you want.You can locate you-pick farms near you by checking outВ Pick Your Own.

- Preserve some of summer’s bountiful produce for winter eating.You don’t have to be a master canner to pull this off in addition to canning, you can alsoВ dry or freezeВ fruits and vegetables.Freezing berries isВ especiallyВ easy.If you’ve never done it before you might want to check out my post about how to do it yourself.В 

- Go mini golfing.Who doesn’t love mini golf?

- Go to a pier/boardwalk/carnival/fair.Depends on where you live of course (here in Chicago we have Navy Pier), but the point is to ride a ferris wheel, eat a corn dog or funnel cake (or both!)В and enjoy the scene.

- Go for a couple early morning or late evening walks.Sure, I’m a little obsessed with walking right now since I can’t really do it, but even if I wasn’t in a cast and on crutches, this would still make the list.There’s nothing like getting outВ during the calm part of the day and making the rounds of your neighborhood hearing the birds, seeing the gardens in full bloom, running into neighbors and getting some excersize.

Those are the big things I think everyone should try to get out andВ do while the weather is nice.What’s on your summer bucket list?And how successful have you been at experiencing everything you’ve wanted toВ this year?В 



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