Yahoo!News: Politics News House panel weighs bill restricting foreign aid (AP) FACT CHECK: Vaccination not a CIA front.Usually. (AP) 20 Jul 2011 01:38 PM PDT 20 Jul 2011 02:49 PM PDT 20 Jul 2011 02:59 PM PDT AP - The House Ethics Committee named an outside counsel Wednesday to investigate its own partisanship, as well as allegations against Rep.Maxine Waters, a senior Democrat who helps oversee the financial services industry.20 Jul 2011 01:11 PM PDTAP - A Hezbollah commander held in Baghdad by the U.S.military and considered a threat to American troops could be transferred soon to Iraqi authorities, and officials worry he could escape or even be freed.20 Jul 2011 12:29 PM PDTAP - Afghan officials are thwarting U.S.efforts to protect American aid from being stolen or diverted to Taliban insurgents, a new report said Wednesday, specifically naming President Hamid Karzai as part of the problem.20 Jul 2011 02:06 PM PDTAP - A House panel on Wednesday pushed ahead on a bill to block U.S.a*sistance to Pakistan, Egypt, Lebanon, Yemen and the Palestinian Authority unless the Obama administration rea*sures Congress that they are cooperating in the war on terrorism. FACT CHECK: Vaccination not a CIA front.Usually. (AP) 14 Jul 2011 12:11 AM PDTAP - In his 2009 speech to the Muslim world, President Barack Obama announced a new effort to eradicate polio, which persists in three Muslim countries.One of the biggest hurdles had been persuading some local leaders that vaccination campaigns were independent health efforts, not nefarious programs being run by the CIA.20 Jul 2011 08:57 AM PDT 20 Jul 2011 03:19 PM PDTAP - Congress has until Aug.2 to raise the federal borrowing limit or the government will run out of money and possibly default on its debt.House Republicans say they won't raise the debt limit without equal spending cuts.President Barack Obama and Democrats insist that higher revenues must be included.20 Jul 2011 02:34 PM PDTThe Ticket - He may not have the national name recognition of Sarah Palin or Mitt Romney, but Texas Gov.Rick Perry would find himself in the top tierГ
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