So I have four days left at the centre now, and then I’m off to the capital, hopefully via a national park.There is hardly any work at the clinic at the moment which is getting a bit dull; I think it’s due to the nice climate and comparative lack of mosquitoes.Clementine and Robertine are still trying (kind of as half a joke) to marry me off- Robertine didn’t seem to think it was a problem that she had four days to find a man, and organise a wedding!Then she decided that she would look for someone and send me a photo of a potential and I could ok it.She didn’t seem to think not knowing the man was a problem....
There was an interesting moment this morning when Clementine found a scorpion in an old cardboard box.We had been flicking through the nursing book that is in the clinic yesterday and discovered a section on scorpion bites.Apparently if you make scorpion liquor (scorpion drowned in alcohol) it is very good for scorpion bites.So Clementine got a pair of tweezers, and proceeded to drown the scorpion to create Scorpion Liquor!
Me, and the two French volunteers went for a walk and a picnic on Sunday- it was beautiful weather, probably about 30 degrees and we were walking past banana trees and small wooden houses in the middle of nowhere.Not sure where they get their water from!We were trying to reach the sea but it was rather a long way so we walked back to the car and drove to find a nice picnic spot by the river where people ride cut out tree canoes across it.They had brought couscous, tuna and tomato salad which was a fantastic change from rice!
In the evening we had an American Peace Corps girl for tea who was very nice.It was nice to speak English to someone who speaks perfect English back too!The volunteers speak very good English but sometimes it’s nice to speak with someone where it is their first language!We had power cuts all evening so most of the dinner (quiche followed by French flan for dessert) made by the volunteers which was amazing was by candle light!It turns out the Peace Corps girl is here for two years!Not sure if I would want to stay for two years- that’s a long time!
The volunteers have let me copy more films which is great- the latest I have watched is Mamma Mia which is hilarious as everyone is singing in terribly English accents only to stop singing and start speaking a very strong French accents!
Voters blame Bush more than Obama for the economy
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