
Your Weekly Love Horoscopes for August 31

Your Weekly Love Horoscopes for August 31
We may experience two distinct moods this weekend, starting with the Moon in mysterious and pa*sionate Scorpio and then shifting into easygoing and adventurous Sagittarius on Saturday afternoon.Issues that seem intensely serious can turn light and playful as we stop keeping score long enough to simply let go and have some fun.


Aries Horoscope
Aries Horoscope (Mar 21 Apr 19)

You may be wrestling with a complex relationship issue on Thursday and Friday with the suspicious Scorpio Moon’s presence in your 8th House of Deep Sharing.Jealousy or mistrust can push some sensitive buttons if there are insecurities lurking beneath the surface.But a lunar shift into freedom-loving Sagittarius on Saturday afternoon fits your current laissez-faire attitude, which is ideal for enjoying yourself today without worrying too much about tomorrow.

Taurus Horoscope
Taurus Horoscope (Apr 20 May 20)

The Moon moves from your 7th House of Connections to your 8th House of Intimacy on Saturday afternoon.Relationships are definitely in the spotlight, but learning how to let go of old fears and expectations is critical if you want to get close.Experimenting with a different set of rules and a more generous attitude reduces stress with a current partner and makes you more desirable to new ones.

Gemini Horoscope
Gemini Horoscope (May 21 Jun 20)

Perhaps recently you have felt like you’re not being treated as an equal, often stuck with the dirty work and overly aware of your imperfections, your luck should change dramatically on Saturday afternoon.The mood-setting Moon fires into outgoing Sagittarius and your 7th House of Partners, opening doors to discovering fresh forms of pleasure with the one you love or to possibly connect with someone new.

Cancer Horoscope
Cancer Horoscope (June 21 Jul 22)

The formidable Scorpio Moon arouses intense feelings in your 5th House of Romance from Thursday to Saturday afternoon.Desire is growing deeper, but so are the complications that can be stirred when emotions run the show.The Moon’s shift into optimistic Sagittarius changes the tune to a brighter and lighter melody, which can turn work or other chores into opportunities for play and laughter.

Leo Horoscope
Leo Horoscope (Jul 23 Aug 22)

The Moon dances into exuberant Sagittarius and your 5th House of Love and Creativity on Saturday afternoon.There’s no stopping you when it comes to expressing your feelings and pursuing the pleasure you seek.You may come on too strong for sensitive people, but if you’re in the mood to play, there’s no reason to restrain yourself.Open your heart to give love honestly, but add a dash of discretion for good measure.

Virgo Horoscope
Virgo Horoscope (Aug 23 Sep 22)

Deep conversations can tie you in knots if you’re not forthcoming or are trusting unreliable people on Thursday and Friday.On Saturday afternoon the Moon enters fun-loving Sagittarius and your domestic 4th House, making your abode the perfect place to play.Generously opening your home and heart to celebrate life is a gift to others that will be returned to you with much love and affection.

Libra Horoscope
Libra Horoscope (Sep 23 Oct 22)

The serious Scorpio Moon visits your 2nd House of Self-Worth on Thursday and Friday, challenging you to make the most of your resources.Instead of focusing on what’s missing, channel your efforts toward building yourself up.A chattier and more playful time is likely when the Moon soars into outgoing Sagittarius on Saturday afternoon, inviting both comical comments and shocking honesty.

Scorpio Horoscope
Scorpio Horoscope (Oct 23 Nov 21)

Considering a makeover is reasonable late this week with the Moon traveling through your transformational sign from Thursday to Saturday afternoon.It’s better to take control of your own life than to try to control others.A lunar shift into insouciant Sagittarius could put you in a happy-go-lucky mood that encourages you to play more and measure less.Having a good time might be all the reward you need.

Sagittarius Horoscope
Sagittarius Horoscope (Nov 22 Dec 21)

You may uncharacteristically prefer some privacy and alone time later this week until the Moon enters your outgoing sign on Saturday afternoon.This lunar boost kicks up your enthusiasm and increases your willingness to take risks.Expressing yourself with candor is nothing new, but it might lead to embarra*sing revelations if you’re not careful now.Applying a little tenderness will help soften the frankness of your remarks.

Capricorn Horoscope
Capricorn Horoscope (Dec 22 Jan 19)

Groups can play a significant role in your social life when the Moon visits your team-oriented 11th House from Thursday to Saturday afternoon.You might feel bogged down by being part of the group process, yet your leadership instincts could put you at the head of the pack.A greater desire for peace and quiet arises with a lunar transit into your secretive 12th House on Saturday afternoon.Make your escape before anyone notices.

Aquarius Horoscope
Aquarius Horoscope (Jan 20 Feb 18)

You can feel like a weight is being lifted off your shoulders with the Moon’s entry into spirited Sagittarius on Saturday afternoon.If you’ve been recently burdened by obligations or worries, it’s finally time to let your hair down, find some playful companions and kick up your heels.Taking relationships seriously is less important than finally relaxing with those who want nothing else but to have a good time.

Pisces Horoscope
Pisces Horoscope (Feb 19 Mar 20)

Personal matters can take a philosophical turn when the intense Scorpio Moon enters your 9th House of Beliefs on Thursday.Addressing ethical issues may be required if you’re dealing with a sketchy person or questions about your own values.You may have to dig deeply to understand hidden motivations, but once you uncover them you’ll be better able to handle the powerful emotions that are driving your relationships.

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Aronia Berries (Chokeberries) Prove Key to Anti-Aging Regimen

Aronia Berries (Chokeberries) Prove Key to Anti-Aging Regimen Many health-minded individuals understand the importance of functional foods and especially members of the berry family in chronic disease risk reduction and free radical scavenging antioxidant ability.Aronia berries, more commonly known as chokeberries are not well known in North America.Falling from favor due to their highly astringent taste, chokeberries are slowly gaining popularity due to their powerful capacity to prevent heart disease, cancer, diabetes and neurodegenerative conditions.The result of research presented in the Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) scale provides an important tool to gauge the ability of functional foods to protect against common diseases that threaten our longevity and quality of life.Aronia extracts have been shown to reduce LDL ch*lesterol oxidative stress, making the lipid structure less likely to become a component in the formation of arterial plaque.found that the high anthocyanin flavonoid content of the berry extract significantly lowered the most dangerous small dense LDL particles known to increase the risk of a heart attack.Additionally the study found that systolic and diastolic blood pressure was reduced by a mean average of 11 and 7.2 mmHg, respectively.The study authors concluded Functional foods that are extremely high in antioxidants play an important role in the prevention of many types of cancer.A study published in the journal Genes and Nutrition found that colon cancer cells exposed to chokeberry juice were 40% less likely to proliferate and become mature cancer cells.The designers of this research study found that the free radical scavenging capacity of Aronia prevented damage to the DNA structure and modified enzymatic activity known to promote polyps and initiate cancer.Another novel characteristic of chokeberry is to moderate blood glucose levels by lowering oxidative stress and preventing damage to the endothelial lining of the arteries.Reporting the results of a study in the journal Although not a household name in America, chokeberry has been embraced in parts of Europe over the past century and has been slowly regaining acceptance in colder growing climates of North America.Chokeberry extract claims the highest antioxidant ORAC score that makes it a strong ally in the fight against metabolic disease, cancer, heart disease, stroke and Alzheimer`s dementia.Avoid products that include the berry in a sugary base such as jams and candies in favor of the pure extract that can be added to beverages and smoothes to naturally improve your health.calorie counters tips for weight loss lucozade sport
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Perspective or A View from the Floor

Perspective or A View from the Floor

In an effort to save money and «live like no one else» the hubby and I have been couponing.Alright, I’ve been couponing and the husband has been staring, amazed, as I get dish soap and deodorant for free.On Monday, thinking I was being the «early bird,» Inigo and I traveled to Kroger and, armed with my ma*sive expandable three ring binder filled with little snippets of savings, we searched for the elusive free Gillette bodywash.What we found, instead, was an empty shelf.TWO Krogers and ONE Walmart (they price match) later, I realized someone else had beaten me to the punch.In 24 hours the entire Columbia metropolitan area was sold out of Gillette body wash, for which I had a coupon that would make it FREE.Normally, I would gladly go get a raincheck and be on my merry way, but the coupon expired today, which only gave me three days to get my hands on the stuff.I came home and sulked.My husband kissed my forehead (a very unusual thing for him) when he came home and reminded me that he still had 4 bottles of bodywash from the last haul I scored.True, very true.«But you’re missing the point,» I whined.«Someone cleared the shelves at ALL the stores.That’s just downright ridiculous.I just wanted four bottles.» As soon as the words came out of my mouth, the absurdity of the situation dawned on me.We were cutting back.Saving money.There would be more coupons in the next paper.There would be another sale in six weeks or so.Cue the deep breath.This saving money stuff was supposed to reduce stress, not add to it.So we’d use plain old Irish Spring bar soap, which I have an industrial supply of from the old house.Big deal.So I approached my shopping with a new grain of wisdom.I would purchase what I needed and maybe a little extra to hold us over.I wouldn’t clear the shelf.I wouldn’t be a glutton.I didn’t need a stockpile.And I certainly didn’t want to purchase things we didn’t eat or use on a daily basis simply because «I had a coupon.» I needed to be smart about this.

So this morning, I went to Publix bright and early.There was only a handful of things I needed.They were having a B1G1 sale on some condiments we used pretty regularly and BBQ sauce for 70 cents and pickles for 39 cents is a big deal in our house.I picked up four of each and headed to the checkout, when I remembered that this Friday is Joaquin’s day to bring snack for all his cla*smates.So back I went into the juice aisle, to grab two boxes of drink pouches.I was just about to grab for the second box, when I felt nauseated.I tried to remember what I had eaten for breakfast.And I didВ  eat breakfast (as many would ask later in the day).A bagel.I had three gla*ses of water (unusual for me, so I should have known something was up).As I ruminated on the contents of my stomach, I was inching my way towards the restrooms.I don’t like to vomit in public and I certainly didn’t want to create a scene.Nausea suddenly became a cold sweat.My upper lip was damp and I was shaking horribly.I could barely keep my hands anchored to the cart.(Thankfully Inigo was blissfully unaware of all this as he read a little board book I had brought along for him and pointed out all the letters of the products in the aisle).Before I could find a place to sit down, my knees buckled and I crumpled to the floor in a faint that would have made Scarlett pea green with envy.

At this point I should mention I have only ever fainted once in my life.I was in the safety of my own home and had been sick with the flu.I was dehydrated and my blood pressure had dropped so rapidly I simply swooned.Some fluids in the doctor’s office and I was back to my usual self.

The managers rushed over and maneuvered me to a bench.Three grown men fussed over me.The checkout girl (who has become quite friendly with my little Inigo) took my cart and the kid.The bagger (an elderly man who had asked if I would donate my expired coupons to the American Legion), ran to get me a gla*s of water with ice.I was placed supine on the padded bench with a wet paper towel on my forehead and a straw in my mouth.«Drink.» When I had overcome my disorientation and extricated myself from the overattentive managers’ gazes, I called my mother.She insisted I call the OB, which I did.

At the OB’s office twenty minutes later, my blood pressure was low, but within normal range.An ultrasound revealed what I already knew, Beowulf was rocking and rolling in his warm little sanctuary, seeming unaffected by his mother’s sudden loss of equilibrium in public.«What’s the verdict, doc?» He shrugged and said quite matter of factly that when the uterus begins to swell, it can put pressure on the vena cava (I didn’t make that up.It’s the main blood vessel that flows from the base of the spine to the brain).Pressure can cut off the circulation momentarily, causing fainting.He said it was all quite common in pregnancy and only occurred in pregnancy.It would resolve itself at birth.I blinked.We still have at least ten weeks until then.Would this happen again?I mean, I’m pretty unfazed by random displays of public embarra*sment, but losing control of my body is one of those things that rates up there with public nudity.It could, was his rea*suring answer.I’d have warning.He suggested when I felt the cold sweat and nauseousness, I sit down as soon as possible.В  I suppose this was an acceptable solution, provided I’m not in line at DisneyWorld or something at the time.

Now this, coupled with the chronic sciatic nerve pain, the carpal tunnel syndrome and the feeling of constant bladder agitation has made me a little leery about meeting Beowulf.My mother has already made the call to the church and will have the priest on hand within an hour after birth for emergency baptism.There is an attitude already in this one that worries me.And as I stared at the linoleum patterned floor of the brightly lit grocery store, I thought about how badly we wanted this baby.«Be careful what you wish for » whispered in my ear.Oh, I know this baby is loved.And regardless of how obstinate and difficult he or she turned out, we’d survive.But I realized just how easy my other pregnancies were and how I took the «normal» for granted.I guess this is just another little Davila who doesn’t like being drug along as Mommy does her grocery runs and wants to let me know in the only way he can.Pinch that blood vessel, that’ll get her attention.

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Natural Anti-Oxidant Deserts Aging Body - USC News

Natural Anti-Oxidant Deserts Aging Body - USC News Image via WikipediaThe protein involcve is LON protease , whose activity declines with age.It normally clears and repairs proteins damaged byВ  oxidative stress in mitochondria and helps make new mitochondria.

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Effectiveness of Media Editorial coverage

Effectiveness of Media Editorial coverage

Media Editorial coverageВ  Cabbage Patch Dolls became a toy craze in 1985 after being featured in a Newsweek cover story, appearing in network and local TV and radio broadcasts, and after first lady Nancy Reagan was shown worldwide giving them to two Korean children hospitalize9 for heart treatment.New products of various kinds-from Ford cars like the Taurus, to fat substitutes like Simplesse-achieved very high levels of brand awareness even before advertising for them broke because of favorable news coverage.To convey an image of industry leadership, many industrial marВ


Can anxiety cause sleep deprivation and nausea?

Can anxiety cause sleep deprivation and nausea? Answer by Babydollz225yes.There are some great natural products that can help.

Answer by tanika971
yes it very much can.try listening to a relaxation tape/cd while in bedyes
The Ojai Cook Lemonaise Light 12 Oz.


GERMANS WANT GREECE TO SHIP OUT OF EUROZONE! Most Germans demand Greece to be expelled from eurozone!Merkel declares
Germany will emerge stronger from the sovereign debt turmoil.Greeks apparently
believe that they have Europe and the world over a barrel, that they can make
the rest of the world pay their bills by threatening full default.The Cradle
of Kleptocracy's full bankruptcy would be painful for everyone, but for the
world, the alternative would be even worse.

If politicians in PIGS and elsewhere think that their bills will be picked up by
taxpayers in other countries, they won't control their spending and they won't
sell off a*sets to pay off these debts.Northern Fourthreichians have the strong
suspicion that some of their hard work is going down the drain with the hundreds
of billions that are currently disappearing into aid packages and bailout funds
for PIGS, lived well at the expense of others, and that those who were more
careful with their money are now expected to swallow the poison that is making
its way northward.

Countries such as the Cradle of Kleptocracy have to be convinced that they will
bear a real cost if they don't fix their financial houses while they still have
the a*sets to cover their debts.The real problem is the incentives we are
giving to other countries.We have to make sure that kicking the can down the
road isn't an option.

Merkel warns countries, such as Greece, that don't do their homework on reducing
debt cannot count on support from the eurozone.The October-18 Mafia's spending
is over last year's bloated levels, the deficit is bigger than ever, and it has
utterly failed to meet the promised sell-off of government a*sets.Not a single
public bureaucrat has been laid off so far.

The Cradle of Kleptocracy can pay its debt by selling off shares the government
owns in publicly traded companies and much of its real estate holdings.The
October-18 Mafia owns stock in casinos, hotels, resorts, railways, docks, as
well as utilities providing electricity and water.But Greek unions fiercely
oppose even partial privatizations.Blackouts are promised to dissuade the
government from selling of even 17 percent of its stake in the Public Power

Merkel acknowledges voter concern about the impact of the crisis on the euro.
The Fourth Reich bailout of the Cradle of Kleptocracy cannot succeed, because
the October-18 Mafia continues corruption, Kangaroo Justice, marilizardism,
Marilizard Libel, Marilizard Spaghetti, and Marilizard Towers.

October-18 Mafia is the most disgusting predator of internet on Earth!Civil
society was shocked by the brutality and stupidity of October-18 fiasco,
initiated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the government of Greece.That's
why October-18 Mafia is the new name of the government of Greece!

It's been now two years after the debt crisis erupted in Greece, when George
Papandreou became premier of Greece.Merkel now seeks to allay coalition and
voter concerns over the impact on Germany.Berlin holds a city vote next month,
and Merkel turns her anticrisis strategy into a campaign theme.

Merkel notes that some stupid people tout eurobonds as being the solution to the
crisis, but putting the debt all in one pot, while allowing others to live
beyond their means and expect a bailout is against all common sense.

Merkel reinforces her opposition to joint Eurobonds, declaring that a
communistic collectivization of debt would leave the bloc's members worse off.
This is communism, pure and simple!Germany, Europe's largest economy, would
face extra costs of a hundred billion euros a year through the alignment of
interest rates with nations that pay more to borrow.Eurobonds lead us to a debt
union, not to a stability union.

Marilizardism is the death cross of Greek treasury bonds.Merkel points out that
if the debt all goes into the one pot, then you have difficulty figuring out
where it all comes from.Spreading risk through eurozone would place Germany on
a slippery slope where in the best case it would be on par with the European
average, or, we all get worse together.Instead, a European framework needs to
be developed in which a regulating body must have a right to intervene in order
to bring fiscal discipline to failing budgets.

Eurobonds violate the Maastricht Treaty, which stipulates that no country can be
held liable for another country in Fourth Reich (EU).Eurobonds would even
elevate liability to the level of a principle and force Germany to vouch for the
debts of other countries whose fiscal behavior they cannot control. Germans
would not tolerate the tax increases and reductions in transfer payments that
this would necessitate.

Marilizardism has created a liquidity black h*le for all Greek investments.
Eurobonds would not be as safe as German government bonds.And since they would
stimulate even heavier borrowing, they would have to yield higher rates.In the
wake of the current bailout measures, the German government burdens taxpayers
with risks worth one trillion euros.Likewise, over the last year, risk premiums
for German government bonds have doubled.There simply isn't any more room for

Eurobonds would require an amendment to the Lisbon Treaty.Experience has shown
that such measures take a long time.The German Finance Ministry estimates that
it would require at least two years.Experts in the Foreign Ministry have come
to a similar conclusion.They expect many years of negotiations.

To make matters worse, they say that it remains uncertain whether the member
states would ratify the treaty.This has prompted the Foreign Ministry to
examine the extent to which the budgetary and fiscal policies of the euro-zone
countries could be more closely aligned without changing the Lisbon Treaty.
Their conclusion is that it would not be possible to bring them close enough
together so that the bonds could be introduced.

Eurobonds are on a collision course with the German constitution.According to
a ruling on the Lisbon Treaty issued by the German Constitutional Court, the
Bundestag may not transfer even some of its budget-related competencies to a
European institution.The only way out would be for the German population to
adopt a new constitution.Article 146 of the German constitution expressly
provides for such a possibility.We cannott imagine how prudent Germans could
vote for such a suicidal referendum!

Don't be fooled by any bounce of the marilizardist dead cat. Merkel's partners
hold separate meetings this week to discuss their responses to the eurozone debt
crisis.Merkel's Cabinet will meet in Berlin tomorrow to back a reworked
European Financial Stability Facility and a second aid package for Greece.

Never catch a falling marilizardist knife.Merkel seeks to defuse a coalition
revolt over bailouts.She hoodwinks that she understand libertarians'
frustration as they prepare to debate the changes to Europe's rescue fund and
more aid for Greece.

In a letter to Schaeuble, Norbert Barthle, the budget spokesman for Merkel's
party, and his counterpart from the CDU's Free Democratic Party coalition
partner, Otto Fricke, urge the government to substantially improve consultations
with parliament over any planned changes to the EFSF and aid to Greece.

Talks in Europe have been complicated by Finland's demand to secure collateral
from Greece in return for its share of the bailout.There is also uncertainty
over private lenders' willingness to accept partial losses on their existing
loans to Athens.Banks cannot participate voluntarily in illegal acts, such as
fiduciary imprudency.Bank directors are committed to bank's welfare, and not
the public interest.

If bankers waive outstanding debts at the expense of the bank, this is a breach
of trust and punishable by law.All those bankers, that IIF claims plan to
participate in rollovers, might go to jail for violating the fiduciary duty of
prudency!October-18 Mafia pressures the banks to participate, but it really
opens Pandora's box.

Trichet notes that while a special arrangement for Greece has been launched, the
inflexible determination of all other eurozone governments to fully honor their
own individual sovereign signature is key in returning to sustainable and
healthy public finances and contribute to stable market conditions.

There is anxiety that member states have not yet ratified the agreement.The
German parliament will vote on the package in late September. Nany MPs oppose
Greek aid, because Greece uses marilizardist tools to manipulate netizens.
Marilizard Libel is accusing dissident bloggers of treason, Marilizard
Spaghetti is hurling charges against innocent people, Marilizard Tower is a
stack of imaginary charges to scare a blogger, and marilizardism is terrorizing
dissident bloggers.October 18 is the international day against marilizardism,
and October-18 Mafia is the marilizardist government of Greece.

Global Tax Revolt points out the marilizardist persecution of dissident bloggers
is unquestionably a serious attack on freedom of speech, and contrary to Article
2 of Lisbon Treaty, Article 10 of the European Convention of Human Rights, and
Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.The
disgusting October-18 Mafia cannot bully the blogosphere without repercussions
and blowbacks.The international civil society got a shock and awe from the
brutality of the freakish October-18 Mafia on October 18, 2010.

Global Tax Revolt was the first organization that reported the October-18 2010
fiasco to all banks, hedge funds, big investors, traders, and analysts.As a
result, the yields of Greek treasury bonds skyrocketted, as no prudent investor
was willing to touch them.Marilizard's stupidity cost October-18 Mafia many
billions of euros!The only thing October-18 Mafia got out of this fiasco is
toilet paper in the form of worthless Greek treasury bonds!CCU jail needs
toilet paper anyhow!

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Menu Plan Monday

Menu Plan Monday Our baby is almost three weeks old now, and I feel a little more up to making some meals.But the key is they have to be super easy and fairly quick.So those are theВ kind of mealsВ on the menu this week.
  • Oatmeal, cantaloupe
  • French toast, strawberries
  • Granola and milk or yogurt, blueberries
  • Farmer's breakfast ca*serole
  • Cream of wheat, OJ
  • Pancakes, eggs, bacon, juice (standard Saturday breakfast)
  • Sandwiches, veggies and dip
  • Use up last of McDonald's summer reading coupons
  • Broccoli-cheese quiche, fruit
  • Bbq chicken sandwiches (from leftover chicken, shredded) and some kind of fruit or vegetable
  • Taco salad (using leftover taco meat)
  • Kids' pick
В Dinners:
  • Mesquite smoked spareribs (husband grilling), Corn on the cob, fruit salad
  • BBQ chicken in the crockpot, red skin potatoes, coleslaw or cabbage ramen salad, biscuits
  • Tacos
  • Mexican chicken ca*serole, salad
  • Sloppy joes, oven fries, mandarin oranges
  • Steak, baked potatoes, salad
To bake:
  • Banana bread
  • Bran muffins
  • a cake for a dessert one night (just in that mood)
  • Healthy strawberry shortcake
See more meal ideas at Menu Plan Monday

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Can fleas or lice or worms from a cat or dog spread to humans?

Can fleas or lice or worms from a cat or dog spread to humans? Can fleas or lice or worms from a cat or dog spread to humans?

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The Promise by The Martins

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Jim Beam Bacon Mustard, 11-Ounce (Pack of 6)


Light at the end of the tunnel.

Light at the end of the tunnel. Here we go much longerI've had a very productive weekend, as I managed to get all my homework done.В  However, I also had a fun weekend, as I gave myself a Glee marathon.:)В  I have no idea how I managed to watch as many episodes as I did and stillВ do all the work, but I did...Productive and fun.В  I call that a success!
Two Billion At Risk: Indoor Air Pollution Linked To Premature Death

A Glimpse of what the future holds?

A Glimpse of what the future holds?

Right up front, apologies to my ChristianВ friends who get upset when I check in withВ  astrology.I know that offends some of them, and I am sorry.While I believe in God, I also like to check other sources which may provide guidance for where my path should lead next.

For so many of us, the hopefulness that came with entering a new century was quickly dashed on 9/11.It seems things have just gone so much furtherВ down hill thanВ  expected.The wh*le world is dissolving and morphing, painfully into something new.While I could drown in all the self-pityВ that comes from such a place, I have friends and family who refuse to let me live there.Once their butt kicking sinks in, I close down the pity party, dust myself off and get back to work.

Every once in a while I will check my horoscope, just to see if there are words of encouragement floating around in the universe and headed my way.My sign is Virgo, and though people who know me would probably guess my sign as Scorpio, I was born in September, so Virgo I am.There is nothing about me that is reserved or introverted, I am all out there and extroverted to an extreme.Some say too much, and for that, I am not going to apologize.I am older now and I have learned that it truly is impossible to please all of the people all of the time.

Anyway, back to my horoscope.The past 10 years have had some really good times, A cruise to Alaska, trips to see family in Florida, and great trip with my family and my friend Lynne’s family to New York City.They have also held hard times, which I won’t talk about again, you have heard enough of that.I was just feeling hopeful this morning, and wheneverВ I get hopeful, being Italian, I always wonder if that is a good thing or not.So I checked my horoscope.

I like Jonathan Cainer’s forecasts.They seem less cookie cutter than some, and many times they hit the nail on the head for me.Here is what he had to say about the decade ahead for Virgo:

Virgo, The Next Decade
Daily, Yesterday, Weekly, Monthly, Year
Ahead Video


QUIRK OF FATE?: Meet the UK twins who have two different fathers!

QUIRK OF FATE?: Meet the UK twins who have two different fathers!

She is the first to admit her boys are like chalk and cheese.Cheeky Marcus, her son by Michael, is short and stout, red-haired with bundles of energy.His twin Lucas, her son by Tommy, is taller, blonde and has a gentler, calm manner.

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Turning the Corner

Rights activist sentenced to prison in Azerbaijan

Rights activist sentenced to prison in Azerbaijan

A lawyer says a human rights activist has been sentenced to three years in prison for interfering in parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan, the Associated Press reported.

Lawyer Khalid Bagirov said a district court in Baku, the capital, found his client Vivadi Iskenderov guilty of «interfering in an election campaign.» He described the verdict as «unfair» and said he would appeal.

The court could not be immediately reached for comment.

Iskenderov was arrested in April during an opposition rally in Baku.He told the court that he is being persecuted for reporting vote rigging in Azerbaijan’s 2010 parliamentary election.

Oil-rich Azerbaijan has been the subject of international criticism for its heavy-handed treatment of civil groups and independent media.
Turning the Corner

GameStop Pulling All Deus Ex Human Revolution Copies From Shelves

GameStop Pulling All Deus Ex Human Revolution Copies From Shelves

We hope that wh*le «any publicity is good publicity» thing works out for GameStop, because its senior management seem to have it framed on their office walls, possibly with floral pattern borders.To be fair, the decision seems to have come from both GameStop and Human Revolution publisher Square Enix and we can’t imagine this will stop anyone from actually getting the game.

GameStop are still good for the pre-orders, but you’re probably aware by now those boxes are going to be an OnLive code lighter.We still can’t help but feel GameStop could have easily turned this PR fiasco into a win.
More information's:

Corey Taylor takes over Q101.1!


gap between teeth, looks prominent after scaling.also overbite problem.?

gap between teeth, looks prominent after scaling.also overbite problem.? My cousin has her tartars removed for the first time in her life, it is clean now.but the front 2 teeth on the lower jaw quite not straight and aligned parallel to each other , causing a big gap in between.the gap became so prominent after scaling,she feels very shy and depressed.her denist said that he would just lace another tooth in between!!I guess he was talking about artifical removable tooth.she is just in her mid twenties, is it really a good idea?what kinna orthodontic treatment she needs to fill the gap for years or to implant a tooth.she is on budget now and can't afford any expensive procedure.please suggest some good methods for her with cost.she is in India, no dental insurance.Secondly what kinna procedures are required to fix gaps between all the frontal teeth and also reducing overbite to make both the jaws proportionate.
The overbite can only be corrected with braces.However, the main problem is the huge gap, which had been there all along.You just couldn't see it because it was covered by the tartar.Unfortunately, she has a lot of bone loss already, which is irreversible.It is also harmful to go for the braces with existing gum disease.So, the best thing will be to treat the gum condition first and then decide the course of action.

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Important and crucial information on the benefits of prenatal yoga

Important and crucial information on  the benefits of prenatal yoga

Article by Alfie30 Thomas

Prenatal Yoga is such a popular way to exercise during your pregnancy, no wonder it is becoming one of the fastest growing methods to help with childbirth.I bet even your Doctor will agree that this is a great way to exercise.As such, it is not surprising why many physicians nowadays may recommend yoga to their pregnant patients.The benefits of prenatal yoga are just amazing.Getting you through the pregnancy stage is one thing, but it will also add amazing benefits during labour too.Stetching your muscles and internal tissues

Read More on Fregnancy .

Malice intensifies the pain

Soccer Fitness Exercises for Improving Soccer Skills

Soccer Fitness Exercises for Improving Soccer Skills practice and training are the single most important things a soccer player can do to improve.Time with the ball at your feet will make you more comfortable in possession.Regular, focused practice will also allow you to improve as a soccer player in every aspect of the game.Team training will allow you to be coached, and meet new friends while you develop your game.
Soccer training can be performed alone by a soccer player, or as a team training session.Practicing alone you can work on dribbling and moves to beat defenders.To do this, dribble full speed and use a cone or tree as an obstacle to avoid.You can also practice your first touch, pa*sing and shooting by hitting the ball against a wall and trapping the rebound.
Soccer practice and training can improve your soccer skills as well as your physical fitness.The Life Mojo website cites research showing that regular soccer training can cause significant improvements in health, fitness, strength and endurance.These improvements are independent of gender, age or soccer experience.Playing on a team can also help soccer players meet new friends and gain confidence in a competitive setting with and against their peers.
All soccer practice sessions should be preceded by a thorough warmup and stretching routine.This will avoid the risk of muscle strains and pulls in such a physically rigorous activity.A practice session should also be followed by a cool-down and static or dynamic stretching.Parents of youth soccer players should also monitor the activity level of their child.Mental or physical fatigue is a risk for young soccer players who play year round without sufficient rest.
Regular soccer training has mental and emotional benefits that go beyond the soccer field.University of Florida researchers Bettina Piko and Noemi Kerezstes reported that young people participating in sports were more likely to describe themselves as being in good physical health than children who were not active in sports.
Soccer training sessions should focus on one particular skill and progressively build up the ability of players.Performing 90 minutes of pa*sing practice will be more effective than skimming over five or six skills for a brief time each.Begin practicing a skill unopposed and focus on executing with correct technique.The coach should progress the session gradually until skills are being practiced under full defensive pressure in game-like conditions.

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MONSOON SESSION, Anna Debate: Lalu accuses govt of violating Parliament rules!

MONSOON SESSION, Anna Debate: Lalu accuses govt of violating Parliament rules!

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Helping obese mother with high blood pressure?

Helping obese mother with high blood pressure? Hi,I did the following:
what does high blood pressure feel like
by yewenyi

Helping obese mother with high blood pressure?My mom is obese, but it seems that there is nothing I or my family can do to stop her from gaining weight.In the past 6 months or so she's gained at least another 10lbs in addition to what she weighed before.Her blood pressure is through the roof and she stopped taking her blood pressure meds because she says she doesnt like her doctor.She eats terribly, has McDonalds, hotdogs, etc whenever she feels like it and gets mad whenever anyone says anything.What can we do to help her, she's at a very serious risk of having a heart attack, and she always has hypertension and flies off the handle and causes herself a lot of stress and we cant calm her down.What can we do to help?

-Q cumber
If it makes her happy then leave her alone and let her eat what she wants to eat.She's a big girl and can make grown-up decisions.

Gastric Bypa*s

or just let her be.if she wants to kill herself there's nothing you can do.

I hate to sound harsh, but some people just don't care, and she seems like one of the ones that would rather die, then try.

-Stephen I
She must want to help herself.It sounds like there are bigger issues here.Perhaps she needs attention, wants to die, or has some serious depression.This behavior sounds self destructive.She needs counselling.I don't think the problem is just a physical one.

-dibzz d
You obviously care about your mother, and I know what you are going through to an extent. My mom also is obese and has hypertension. She's also had a ma*sive heart attack, 2 strokes and is diabetic (all due to weight).

You can't change her, she has to want to get better and it sounds like she's suffering from something else as well, possibly depression or some sort of emotional problem. This kind of behavior can be a slow form of suicide.

I suggest contacting her doctor, by phone or possibly mailing him a letter explaining your mother's behavior and telling him your concerns. He may be able to line up the help she needs, but she's going to have to cooperate in her care. Try talking to your mom and avoid the weight issue, tell her what she means to you and why you want to keep her around. If you can't talk to her try a letter.

Good luck.

You mother don't feel any one loves her what you need to do is have her see a counselor or a health care provider and insisted she takes her medications for high blood pressure.

Share your answer?Leave your own answer in the comments!symptoms - What to Know About Hypertension.

Orignal From: Helping obese mother with high blood pressure?

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News: Sony Cyber-shot W290 first look

News: Sony Cyber-shot W290 first look The Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W290 seemed too good to be true when it was announced in February 2009.For less than 0 you get a wide-angle lens with a 5x zoom, 12-megapixel resolution, some of Sony’s advanced automatic shooting options, HD video capture, and a 3-inch LCD all packed into a nice-looking body roughly the size of a deck of cards.Sounds pretty great, right?There had to be something wrong.Well, as with most point-and-shoot cameras of its caliber, the photo quality from the W290 could be a little better and the performance a touch faster.In the end, though, neither was disappointing from this camera (better than expected actually), and if you take into account its attractive price tag, the W290 is tough to beat.Available in silver, black, blue, and bronze, the W290 doesn’t stray from Sony’s typical W-series Cyber-shot appearances.It’s an attractive camera in a pocketable body, but with some weight to it, so you likely won’t forget it’s on you.The silver model we tested noticeably retains fingerprints all over the body, something to keep in mind if that sort of thing bugs you.Actually, if there’s one minor nitpick with the body design it’s that the W290в

Alternatives for Wen Shampoo

Alternatives for Wen Shampoo

I’ve been watching these commercials for Wen.

I’m all about paying for a product that does it’s job.

I am a firm believer in the fact that you pay for what you get.

But there are certain products and items that I feel the generic version does the job PERFECTLY as well as the name brand.

Toilet paper is NOT one of those in our home.:)

I’ve had some really bad knots in my really long hair when I get out of the shower.I have doused it in conditioner, used leave in conditioner, masks, etc.Nothing is bringing the moisture back.

I was at my parents’ house last weekend and was telling my mom about this as the Wen commercial came on.

She told me that she bought some of the products on Ebay and was very pleased with them.

She has super fine hair and it is a cute little bob nothing like my long thick mane of hair.

She told me she went to Sally’s Beauty Supply and found that they have Hair One, which is there store line’s version of Wen.

She bought it and tried it during the week and thought it worked and smelled just the same (and for 9.99 on sale).

Well, for 9.99 it was worth a shot for me.


I’ve used it for about a week now and see such a difference in my hair.

The first time I used it I didn’t truly work it in my hair enough, so it took forever to rinse out and the crown of my head felt greasy.

Trial and error

Since then, I’ve been really rubbing it into the hair from the side as I shower.

Then I flip my head over and rub it into the hair upside down, really concentrating on the ends and staying away from the roots.

I tie it up into a bun on the top of my head until I’m done with my shower and ready to rinse.

It still takes a bit to rinse it out, but let me tell you, it’s totally worth it.

My hair is so much healthier!

It combs out neatly, dries nice, and just looks and feels 110% healthier!

Do you have a Sally’s near you?

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MARILIZARDIST REPRESSED COUNTRIES TERRORIZE INNOCENT PEOPLE attention from Syria to the battle for Tripoli.marilizardist tools to manipulate netizens.Marilizard Libel is accusing
dissident bloggers of treason, Marilizard Spaghetti is hurling charges against
innocent people, Marilizard Tower is a stack of imaginary charges to scare a
blogger, and marilizardism is terrorizing dissident bloggers.October 18 is the
international day against marilizardism, and October-18 Mafia is the
marilizardist government of Greece.members of the security services at around 4:30 Omeyyades Square, in the
city centre, as he drove home from his office.His captors broke his left hand,
which he uses to draw, and burned his body with lit cigarettes.He was finally
dumped at the side of a road near the airport with a bag over his head.Some of
his drawings and other personal effects were confiscated.He is currently in
Al-Razi Hospital.

Aged 60, Ferzat has been very critical of President Bashar Al-Assad and his
government ever since the start of the protests in March.

"In 2003, his inspiration and the insolence of his drawings led the Syrian
authorities to ban his satirical magazine Al Domari, which they had permitted a
few years earlier," former diplomat Ignace Leverrier wrote in his Le Monde blog

It has emerged that freelance journalist Hanadi Zahlout has been tortured since
her arrest on 25 July.She continues to be detained.

Reporters Without Borders has meanwhile learned that Myriam Haddad, a blogger
and journalist with the magazine Mouqarabat who was kidnapped from the Havana
Cafe in central Damascus on 11 August, was released on 23 August.

The press freedom organization was not surprised to also learn that all the
Internet cafes have installed software that spy on their clients' online
activities.At the same time, telephone communications are now almost always cut
as soon as the army enters a city.Marilizard Tower of charges.This is the most disgusting tool used by the
freakish October-18 mafia to jail innocent dissident bloggers.Combining crimes
enables prosecutors to get convictions in cases where there may be no misconduct
at all.By stacking enough charges, freakish marilizardists try to jack up the
threat value of a trial and thereby induce a guilty plea, even if the
government's case is weak.

Syrian CCU emulates the Greek CCU. Infamous October-18 mafia uses the cybercops
as a political tool.Cyber Crime Unit (CCU), Dioxi Ilektronikou Egklimatos, is
just a paramilitary gang of October-18 mafia which terrorizes the Greek
blogosphere.Putting the CCU wolf to guard the sheep gives the government a
comparative advantage over the opposition.This is another form of a Trojan

Any cell of Greek CCU jail has neither pillows nor toilet!You have to urinate
in a bottle!The wh*le CCU jail has neither soap nor toilet paper!During the
wh*le night, scared jailed girls scream for help, but the guards, far away in
their office, pretend they are not listening!If it's not barbarity, what is
it? There is a long way from the civilization of Ancient Greece to the
barbarity of Modern innocent victim of a wild political witch hunt.Under wild orders, a
freakish gang of brutal cybercops broke into the home and into the college
office of a distinguished professor and robbed at gunpoint his computers,
software, files, documents, personal data, personal codes, and personal secrets.

The wild Graecocybercops locked the 65-year old professor in jail, they
humiliated him with handcuffs, fingerprints, mugshots, and lies, leaked false
information to the media parrots, and initiated sham court proceedings for
treason!There was neither pillow nor toilet facility in his jail cell.At
night, the world renown had to urinate in a bottle!There was neither toilet
paper nor soap in the wh*le jail facility.He lost his job, and his life is
stolen forever by a deranged minister.That's why the Global Tax Revolt
declared October 18 as the international day against marilizardism.
Jim Beam Bacon Mustard, 11-Ounce (Pack of 6)


3 Ways to Improve Your Baseball Skills

3 Ways to Improve Your Baseball Skills

Running a youth baseball practice is about teaching players the fundamentals of the game.The key to doing this is finding a way to hold your players' interests throughout the entire practice.You can go through fundamental infield, outfield and batting drills, but you must combine these basics with fun-to-play games that your young players will enjoy.
Relay Game
Line five of your players along the third-base line.Place one player at home plate, the next at third base, the next about 60 feet past the player at third base and two additional players at 60-foot intervals.This should put the last player fairly close to the left-field foul pole.Line two other groups of five players parallel to the original group.Give the first player in each line the baseball--the one at home plate or the equivalent spot in the other lines--and have him throw the ball to the next player on your signal.That player has to catch the ball and then throw it to the next player in line.The relay continues in this manner all the way to the end of the line and then it reverses until the catcher has the ball.The team that gets the ball back to the catcher first wins.There's one rule in this game: the ball cannot hit the ground.If any player drops the ball or makes an uncatchable throw, they must start the relay over again.This game helps players with their throwing and catching.
Piggy Move Up
This is a game that young players love in practice.Divide your team into groups of three or four.If you have three groups of four players at practice, send the first group of four into the dugout to prepare for a round of batting practice.Put another group of four in the infield and the third group of four around the outfield.Send the first batter to the plate for batting practice.He gets three strikes to put the ball in play.If he gets a hit, he stays on base.If he is retired on a ground ball or fly ball, he is out.Then, the next batter comes up.Each batter in the group gets three at bats.After the last at bat, the next group of four hitters moves in for batting practice.Then, the group in the outfield moves into the infield and the group that had been at bat goes to the outfield.Keep proceeding in this manner until each group has had a chance to hit the ball.The team that comes up with the most hits wins the drill.
Knock Out
This is a great game to help pitchers learn the value of control.Line all of your team up behind the pitcher's mound.The first player takes the ball and throws a pitch from the pitching rubber to a coach who is catching and calling the pitch.If it is a strike, the pitcher is "safe" and he goes to the back of the line.If it is a ball, he is on the "hot seat." The next player throws a pitch.If it is a strike and the previous pitcher threw a ball, then the first pitcher is knocked out.If the second pitcher throws a ball, then the first pitcher is safe and the second pitcher is on the hot seat.Continue along in this manner until all players have been knocked out and there is one "king of the hill" left.You may want to reward that player by letting him pitch in the next game.

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Sodium showdown: lowering elevated blood pressure isn't all about salt.: An article from: Environmental Nutrition

Sodium showdown: lowering elevated blood pressure isn't all about salt.: An article from: Environmental Nutrition

This digital document is an article from Environmental Nutrition, published by Belvoir Media Group, LLC on July 1, 2008.The length of the article is 1316 words.The page length shown above is based on a typical 300-word page.The article is delivered in HTML format and is available immediately after purchase.You can view it with any web browser.Citation DetailsTitle: Sodium showdown: lowering elevated blood pressure isn't all about salt.Author: Kerry NevillePublication: Environmental Nutrition (Magazine/Journal)Date: July 1, 2008Publisher: Belvoir Media Group, LLCVolume: 31 Issue: 7 Page: 1(2)Distributed by Gale, a part of Cengage Learning

Published on: 2008-07-01 Released on: 2009-11-06 Format: HTML Binding: Digital 5 pages

Excerpt.В© Reprinted by permission.All rights reserved.If you're one of the 65 million Americans with high blood pressure (hypertension), you're no doubt familiar with the advice to cut back on salt (40% of which is sodium).But, as you may know, that's no easy task, especially if the goal is to limit your daily sodium intake to 1,500 milligrams--the recommendation for people with high blood pressure.But what you may not know is that research shows other changes also benefit blood pressure.So which matters more in the treatment of hypertension--limiting sodium or incorporating other diet and lifestyle changes?EN investigates.

Pavitra Rishta 14th July 2011 | Zee Tv drama Pavitra Rishta 14-07-2011

Now What?-Psalm 118:24

Now What?-Psalm 118:24

Yes, we all have observed children who are bored and want us to entertain them.But how many of us behave like those children as well?I like to have my days planned out and feel happy when I can see people I love.Sometimes, though, my plans fall through and I am left with a gap of time.Many of us just rush to the next task, perhaps missing out on the break that we have been given.What if when there was a gap in our schedule, we stopped and committed that time to the Lord, and asked Him what to do with it?Hmm, maybe call a friend who is hurting, write a notecard of encouragement, schedule time with someone who is lonely .on and on.

It seems that people are distant from each other nowadays.People say they care, but don’t actually take time out of their schedules to care in person.I love posting and reading messages on Facebook, but I wonder how many people would rather have a real live friend with them at that moment in time And I wonder about how easily we might say, «I’m praying for you,» and yet never take the time to actually pray in person!

When some people recently laid hands on me and prayed for my healing, I felt so encouraged, because I heard their faith in their prayers.That personal interaction is super important.

Next time you tell someone you will pray for them, call them up or go over to them, and pray out loud in faith, so they can hear your prayer as well.

Perhaps boredom is caused by time without focus.As we focus on Him, and refocus our minds, our time will be much better spent on things that matter for eternity.


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