Weight-loss efforts cannot be targeted at one specific area of your body.Wh*le body fat loss is the only way to get rid of fat, and it should be done through healthy eating and increased physical activity.However, while you are losing fat you can work to tone and sculpt the muscles in your stomach, making them appear thinner and flatter.Pilates is a great way to strengthen and lengthen your abdominal muscles.Its focus on slow and controlled motion, proper form and concentrated breathing make it very effective, promising noticeable results in just 10 to 15 sessions.
Pilates Breathing Step 1
Lie down with your legs bent and your feet flat on the ground.Extend your arms alongside your body with your fingers pointing in the same direction as your toes.Press your lower back tightly against the ground.
Step 2
Inhale deeply allowing your chest and belly to expand as they fill with air.Do not allow your lower back to arch up off the ground.
Step 3
Exhale completely, pulling your bellybutton in toward your spine and flattening your abs.
Step 4
Hold your abdominal muscles in as you inhale deeply again.Do not allow your belly to expand this time.
Step 5
Drop your abdominal muscles even lower toward your spine as you exhale.Repeat the entire sequence five times.
The Hundred Step 1
Start lying on your back with your feet off the ground and your knees bent to a 90-degree angle.
Step 2
Use Pilates breathing to activate your abdominal muscles.Inhale deeply, allowing your belly to expand, and then exhale, dropping your bellybutton toward your spine.Hold you abdominal muscles in this contracted position for the entire exercise, breathing without allowing your belly to expand.
Step 3
Lift your feet off the ground, a*suming the proper leg position based upon your fitness level: beginner - bent at a 90-degree angle with your knees directly over your hips, intermediate - straight and pointing to the ceiling, advanced - straight and lowered to a 45-degree angle.
Step 4
Peel your head and shoulders off the ground, lifting your arms parallel to the ground with your fingers pointing away from your head.
Step 5
Pulse your hands down toward the ground in quick beats, inhaling for five beats and exhaling for five beats.
Step 6
Complete 10 total breath cycles for a total of 100 pulses.
Roll-up Step 1
Begin this exercise flat on your back with your legs extended out straight and your arms pointing up to the ceiling.
Step 2
Inhale deeply, allowing your belly to expand as you lower your arms toward the ground above your head.Do not allow your arms to touch the ground.
Step 3
Pull your belly button in toward your spine as you exhale completely and lift your straight torso off the ground.Keep your arms above your head until you reach a seated position.
Step 4
Lower your arms until they are parallel to the ground, keeping your abdominal muscles pulled in tight to your spine and inhaling deeply.
Step 5
Reach forward for a point over your toes as you exhale.Pull your abdominal muscles back as you reach forward, as if someone were pulling on the back of your belt.
Step 6
Return to a seated position, inhaling while your abdominal muscles are still pulled in toward your spine.
Step 7
Exhale as you roll back down to the mat.Roll down slowly as if you are trying to roll out one vertebrae at a time.
Step 8
Repeat all steps for a total of six to eight repetitions.
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